Indeed, the communion of Saints consists not only of the great men and women who went before us and whose names we know. All of us belong to the communion of Saints, we who have been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, we who draw life from the gift of Christ's Body and Blood, through which he transforms us and makes us like himself. Yes, the Church is alive - this is the wonderful experience of these days. . . . The Church is alive and we are seeing it: we are experiencing the joy that the Risen Lord promised his followers. The Church is alive - she is alive because Christ is alive, because he is truly risen. In the suffering that we saw on the Holy Father's face in those days of Easter, we contemplated the mystery of Christ's Passion and we touched his wounds. But throughout these days we have also been able, in a profound sense, to touch the Risen One. We have been able to experience the joy that he promised, after a brief period of darkness, as the fruit of his resurrection. - Benedict XVI's Inaugural Mass Homily April 24, 2005.

None of us can ever forget how in that last Easter Sunday of his life, the Holy Father, marked by suffering, came once more to the window of the Apostolic Palace and one last time gave his blessing "urbi et orbi." We can be sure that our beloved Pope is standing today at the window of the Father's house, that he sees us and blesses us. Yes, bless us, Holy Father. We entrust your dear soul to the Mother of God, your Mother, who guided you each day and who will guide you now to the eternal glory of her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. - Funeral Homily for Pope John Paul II.
Way of the Cross at the Coliseum Meditations and Prayers by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger on the Vatican website. Good Friday, 2005.

Truth and Tolerance: Christian Belief and World Religions (Ignatius Press, Oct. 2004)

Cardinal Ratzinger engages the problem of truth, tolerance, religion and culture in the modern world, meeting diverse understandings of spiritual truth while defending the Catholic teaching of salvation through Jesus Christ. "But what if it is true?" is the question posed to cultures that decry the Christian position on man's redemption. Upholding the notion of religious truth while asserting the right of religious freedom, Cardinal Ratzinger outlines the timeless teaching of the Magisterium in language that resonates with our embattled culture. A work of extreme sensitivity, understanding, and spiritual maturity, this book is an invaluable asset to those who struggle hear the voice of truth in the modern religious world.

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger signs autographs after attending a cardinals meeting at the Vatican , Friday, Oct. 17, 2003. (AP Photo/Plinio Lepri)

Recommended Reading for Inquiring Catholics, a list of introductory texts on Catholic theology, Catholic apologetics, and studies of key issues -- compiled by special request of Ratzinger Fan Club Members

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Preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths. As for you, always be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

St. Paul, 2 Tim 4:2-5

This verse was cited by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger as one of his favorite in the book, Salt of the Earth: "I don't want to overreach myself, but I would say that this expresses the essence of what I consider to be my standard at this time." (p. 114).

From 1981 - 2005, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger was appointed head of the Catholic Church's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, whose mission is to "to promote and safeguard the doctrine on the faith and morals throughout the Catholic world" (John Paul II).

As "Grand Inquisitor" for Mother Rome, Ratzinger kept himself busy in service to the Truth: correcting theological error, silencing dissenting theologians, and stomping down heresy wherever it may rear its ugly head -- and, consequently, had received somewhat of a notorious reputation among the liberal media and 'enlightened' intellegensia of pseudo-Catholic universities.

However, there are those among us who have delved beyond the polemics of his critics, who in familiarizing ourselves with his works have come to admire him both as brilliant Catholic theologian but also as a man whose faith, honesty, integrity, and unswerving devotion to the Truth is readily apparent.

On April 19, 2005, Cardinal Ratzinger was elected by his fellow Cardinals to the throne of St. Peter, Bishop of Rome, Shepherd of the Holy Catholic Church. The Cardinal Ratzinger Fan Club remains as a tribute to Joseph, now Benedict, for his service to the Church -- an online resource for his writings and addresses as priest, prefect and theologian prior to his election. We hope you enjoy it!

For online resources and documentation of Pope Benedict XVI, please see our new website, a work very much in progress: The Pope Benedict XVI Fan Club.

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